Friday, September 23, 2016

Broken Foot and a return to keeping a blog.

It's been quite a while since I was blogging on this platform. It looks as if I am now the brotherhood. I am a society unto myself. Many of the people who were active in this blog have either moved away or have simply moved on.

The main reason I wanted to pick this back up was because I've broken my foot, and I wanted to begin keeping track of my life and my thoughts. I also wanted a pretty safe place to write, so here we are.

Last night I stopped taking pain medicine around 7 PM. Up until that point, I had been taking a percocet every 4 hours for pain. (I broke my foot and I've had surgery to correct it.) Around midnight I woke up with what felt like swollen extremities and a fire like pain in my foot that just wouldn't quite. My nurse had suggested I wait till my pain got around a level 4, but she was not suggesting I start that process as soon as I did. I wanted to see how bad the pain was, so I cut myself off for about 6+ hours, and quickly realized I was not ready to ween myself off the pain meds just yet.

So, this is it. I'm going to start keeping a blog, and it won't necessarily be about beer. Just about me now.