Sunday, April 11, 2010

End of Winter

Well guys it's finally the end of winter. Not because I just got done mowing the yard for the second time this year, or the fact that all the trees and flowers are in bloom. The real reason for my saying that it is finally the end of winter is because I just cracked open my last Sam Adams Winter Lager. Sorry to see winter go with it's nice dark, flavorful beers. Not looking forward to a spring and summers worth of lemon this, and summer ale that......Yak in a bottle if you ask me. Give me a heavy fall or winter beer all year long and I would be happy! On a sadder note, it is the end of an era here at the brotherhood. The Wrenster is leaving us for the land of the Fins! To be honest, I was really hoping his house wouldn't sell so he would never have to leave us. Just a bit selfish on my part, I going to miss you brother. You have been an awesome friend, mentor and brother. May god bless you and your family over there, I hope you are abuntantly rewarded over there for the time you have put into all of us over here.

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