Saturday, May 8, 2010

Old Stock Ale

 Wow, I feel like I'm drinking Brandy or something.  This feels more like hard liquor than a beer.  I know that the Beer Advocate has given this an A- but I'm just not feeling it.  I read where one guy let one sit up for like 3 years and then drank it and it was awesome.  Maybe I need to forget about it for the next few years and leave it in my cupboard.  It is 11.5% ABV and way sweet.  I guess that all this double fermentation to get the ABV up so high really pushes these "beers" into a whole other category.  Like Bine, or Weer.  It seems that the more natural way to brew a beer is the best way.  The caramel is way over the top.  Not a big fan of the North Coast Brewery Co.  I think I liked Old Rasputin better than this.
Leaving it with a small 2 monks.

Brother Red has Spoken


  1. Maybe it's not supposed to be decanted? I poured the rest of my sludge in it's kind of better. OfcoursethiswasafterIwashalfwayfinishedwiththebeersomaybeI'malreadyhalfbuzzed.
    I will not diverge from the Odious Onion. 2 Monks and sitting. Not gonna stand up for this one.

  2. I'll say this. For one Beer I feel great. But that's not the best quality of a Beer. But it sure doesn't hurt.

  3. Well, the only thing I remember about this beer is having to absolutely choke this thing down. This beer was awful, Every swig made me wince. Probably the sweetest one to date. I had an easier time putting away the not so velvety smooth Schlitz. This beer gets -1 monks! I will never drink this stuff again, I don't care if I have a bullet wound on a battlefield somewhere and this is the only thing that could kill the pain, this stuff sucks!
