Friday, April 29, 2011

Red Brick Brown Ale

Greetings from Brother Red. It's been far too long a time since our last post about God's proof that he loves us and he wants us to be happy.

This is the most delicious brown ale I've had that I remember tasting so tasty. To say a thing is tasty is as good as saying that a thing is sticky. Without knowing what in the world we are sticking too, it is a fairly worthless and senile definition. So if I might elaborate in true Chesterton style, hopefully someone of the Brotherhood will endure me. Let me begin by saying I'm drinking this in a beer chalice. Those familiar with my stock will of course know I'm referring to the chalice that our dubious Dunkelstein had purchased for a number of us. The beer poured out a semi opaque brownish red. The head, while not being poured terribly carefully, was around a quarter inch. The silking was and continues to be quite nice. It's a little on the sour side, something that I've come to expect from high content beer. This barely makes the cut for high gravity. At a not too terribly high 6% ABV the is bark is stronger than the bite. And for a good Christian, this is always a pleasing thing. With a medium body, a bit of sour, and a touch of nuttiness, this down home southern beer is going to bring me back to their brick house once again. A good ol fashioned Atlanta based company, these regional raconteurs are anything buy redneck. With a witty and almost tasteful ad campaign, these guys have, at the very least, hooked me for a second shot. I'll give this one 6 Monks. That's right boys. I'm moving our grading system up to a 10 Monk monastic scaling sequence. I hope and pray everyone here in the south has not be affected too heavily by the dreadful tornadoes that have come through. Simple Sauce, and whatever that laplands surname was, we would love to hear from you guys.

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to agree with Brother Red on this beer. Quite tasty and delicious. A little malty but not enough to be unpleasant.
