Thursday, January 21, 2010

Albert Collins Tribute

Left cheek is inching towards the door as I post this. Headed to Memphis for a long weekend of blues and brews. Just wanted to post this tidbit of music hilarity before I leave. Anyways, enjoy!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Samuel Adams Cream Stout

Samuel Adams-Cream Stout-ABV 4.69@
4 Solid Monks
This is the kind of beer that I love to have lingering in my mustache. I just want it to hang in my flavor savor like a star in the sky. Shining and glistening, always ready for another night. This has got to be one of my favorite stouts. Rich and creamy with not quite enough chocolate hints. I do wish it was just a tad stronger, with a more aggressive bite. This is my only complaint. It's a delicious beer that will keep me coming back for more. I'd waste a 6 pack of this no problem. Mustachio has spoken.
I found our notes from a secret meeting of our brotherhood and we sampled this beer. Here is what we said.
Simple Sauce Make you wanna slap yo' mamma! The quintesential cream stout. 5 Monks
C. Dyno-mite(early iteration of Flying J?) The high priest of the church of Samuel Adams. Creamy roasted redemption. 4 monks
Dunkelstien Scrumdidlyuptious. 4 monks
Count Dante Did I just drink six of these? (He left no monks, flabergasted by the shear deliciousness of the great cream stout.)
Mustachio was strangely silent upon this beer.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Samuel Adams Boston Ale

Samuel Adams Boston Ale
Brother Red says 'OL' Samuel Adams makes a jolly good ale. Pick one up and slurp it down. This is no beer for some silly clown. Brother Red has spoken.

Michelob Pale Ale

Michelob Pale Ale
Tell us how it is with this Michelob Pale Ale. Which one of you onions tried this one?

Michelob Bavarian Wheat

We certainly are glad to see Michelob jumping in to micro brewery style beers. Dunkelstein found this twelve pack with 2 specialty beers a piece. Mustachio didn't get a chance to try this one, or he doesn't remember trying it. Any way they have been a surprisingly tasty treat so far.

Samuel Adams Scotch Ale

Samuel Adams Scotch Ale
Mustachio gave this one to Count Dante in a 12 pack "Brewmasters Sampler Pack". The Mustach can't wait to dip his whiskers into what can only be a truly tasty beverage. It's hard to go wrong with Samuel Adams.

Michelob Porter All Malt Beverage

Another Great leap in the area of commercial beers from our friends at Michelob. Keep up the good work.

Lazy Magnolia Southern Pecan

Southern Pecan, Lazy Magnolia
The Lazy Magnolia Brewery is based out of Mississippi. This Southern Pecan is everything I would expect from a Southern Bell who loves beer and has decided to base her operations here in the south. It is a truly excellent beer.
Check out the website and demand more of these great beers from your local grocer.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Peroni and Ferrari

A Ferrari it is not.

The Blue Ribbon of Italy! Peroni Nastro Azzurro @ 5.1% abv

Yes, that's right.  "Nastro Azzurro" means Blue Ribbon in Italian.  This is the most consumed beer in Italy according to the sources I've read.  It's the Budweiser of Italy, and it's basically what I would expect out of the most drank beer of Italy.  Like the Alfa Romeo, everyone should have one of these once in there life, but there are certainly faster and fuller bodied cars out there.  So it goes with Peroni.  Brother Red has spoken.  Birra Superiore it is not.  But decent and fun, I'll give it that.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout

A beautifully complex and hearty beer.  A taste that ends as well as it begins.  Certainly a winter weather beer with its dark color, earthy aroma, and a lingering after taste that's suited for enjoying next to a crackling fire.

Evolution: Rationality vs. Randomness an article by Gerald Schroeder

Friday, January 8, 2010

The official Apologist of Brother Red & 1st non-alchoholic post

Brother Red would like to invite all of the BRO's to listen to the profound and deeply intuitive words of the most holy and Reverend William Lane Craig.  If ever there was a mere mortal that Brother Red could look up to (if William Lane Craig is a mere mortal) then it would be the most beloved and esteemed Bill.

May the Lord Bless Bill. Red has spoken.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Duvel ABV 8.10%

Effervescent Spanish doubloon gold beneath a massive alabaster head of frothily creamy foam
-- Said the Beer Advocates top reviewer

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Becks Oktoberfest 5.0% ABV

Another Big Thanks goes out to our Odious Dunklestien who was kind enough to strong arm the local grocery store into carrying this for the month of October. They still have it so I'm assuming that Mr. Dunkle is still holding there dog for ransom. Or was that the sausage we ate?