Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Samuel Adams Cream Stout

Samuel Adams-Cream Stout-ABV 4.69@
4 Solid Monks
This is the kind of beer that I love to have lingering in my mustache. I just want it to hang in my flavor savor like a star in the sky. Shining and glistening, always ready for another night. This has got to be one of my favorite stouts. Rich and creamy with not quite enough chocolate hints. I do wish it was just a tad stronger, with a more aggressive bite. This is my only complaint. It's a delicious beer that will keep me coming back for more. I'd waste a 6 pack of this no problem. Mustachio has spoken.
I found our notes from a secret meeting of our brotherhood and we sampled this beer. Here is what we said.
Simple Sauce Make you wanna slap yo' mamma! The quintesential cream stout. 5 Monks
C. Dyno-mite(early iteration of Flying J?) The high priest of the church of Samuel Adams. Creamy roasted redemption. 4 monks
Dunkelstien Scrumdidlyuptious. 4 monks
Count Dante Did I just drink six of these? (He left no monks, flabergasted by the shear deliciousness of the great cream stout.)
Mustachio was strangely silent upon this beer.

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