Saturday, January 9, 2010

Chimay Blue 9% ABV


  1. Wow, what a difference following instructions make. Do yourself a favor, pour these guys slow and leave the junk in the bottom of the bottle. The yeast makes all the difference when in the glass. Makes it waaay to sweet. Mustachio and I ran an experiment on the blue, he dumped everything in his glass, and I left the junk in the bottle. Totally different experience with our respective beers. I really like this one, w/o the yeast of course. I think we need to revisit the white another time and leave the yeast in the bottom to give it a fair shake.

  2. Because I didn't follow the directions, my experience with the Blue Label was almost identical to that of the White "Tripel" Chamay. "Store upright, and leave the yeast in the bottem." Words to live by. Dunkelstein is right, we need to revisit. Even so the cloves and great taste still make this a rich and full experience. 4 .777 Monks. Mustachio has spoken.

  3. Split one with Wren yesterday, and whoa... wasn't sure if it was beer at first. After the third sip I decided that whatever it was, I liked it. This stuff is really good. Almost like a beer/sparkling wine hybrid. Floral and malty, but all the same ale-like.

    To make things even better, apparently monks brew it. Monks are cool.

    4.6 of them for me.
